Managing the Three C’s: Cancer, COVID, and Caregiving

Caregivers of those who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer play a pivotal role in the emotional and physical support of their loved ones.

Many times, caregivers must take on additional responsibilities at home, help navigate complicated health information, juggle their career, and support extended family and friends. Balancing the needs of loved ones and family can sometimes leave little space or energy for caregivers. Add in the additional stresses the COVID19 pandemic has brought, and the complicated role of caregiver has gotten much more intense.

OCRA understands, and wants to dedicate time just for caregivers to come together, meet others dealing with similar stresses and concerns, learn strategies for coping, and share things that may be difficult to express at home.

In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month and of all of the special caregivers in our community, OCRA will host two caregiver support groups this November. Please join us!

“Managing the Three C’s: Cancer, COVID, and Caregiving” has now passed. View our Staying Connected support series schedule and register today.

Register for your preferred date by clicking on the link. For more information, please email our Patient Support team at

Posted on in Community, Information
