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Partners & Sponsors

Our work to accelerate progress toward a cure while investing in cutting-edge research to improve treatments and outcomes for patients with ovarian and related gynecologic cancers would not be possible without the generous support of our partners and sponsors.

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Conflict of Interest Statement — Industry Partners

  • Corporate partners including industry do not shape OCRA’s agenda, research, or advocacy.
  • In 2023, industry partners represented 14% of OCRA’s overall revenue.
  • No industry personnel serve on OCRA’s governing board (Board of Directors).
  • If an industry partner sponsors an OCRA program, grant, or educational materials, it is publicly acknowledged and the supporting company has no editorial or strategic input.
  • Any reference to a specific commercial product or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by OCRA of the product or service or its producer or provider. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document or on any referenced website do not necessarily reflect those of OCRA.

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Mission & Impact

Mission & Impact

OCRA is dedicated to improving treatments by advancing innovative research, supporting with expertise and empathy those affected by gynecologic cancers to ensure the best possible care and outcomes, raising awareness, and advocating for legislation that tangibly improves patients’ lives.

Learn more about our mission & impact

Our Team

Our Team

OCRA’s effectiveness is due to the dedication and deep expertise of its outstanding staff, Board, and Scientific Advisory Committee members.

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