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Ovarian Cancer Research Funding


OCRA has awarded 400 grants and invested $128 million in ovarian cancer and related gynecologic cancer research initiatives, becoming the largest global charity devoted to ovarian and related gynecologic cancer research in the world.

Our Impact

Our commitment to cutting-edge research has resulted in scientific breakthroughs that are igniting hope worldwide and galvanizing top researchers as never before.

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Researchers’ Information Center

OCRA is proud to support groundbreaking ovarian cancer and related gynecologic cancer research. With an annual grantmaking budget of over $7 million, we fund scientists at all stages of their careers. OCRA-funded scientists are working in areas ranging from AI and basic science to clinical and translational research. They are also exploring disease at the cellular and molecular level.

Learn About Our Current Grantees

Our researchers come from across the country and around the globe. While their areas of research may differ, they are united in their passion to find a cure and their desire to collaborate and innovate to improve the lives of patients.

The Edmée Firth Fund for Research in Ovarian Cancer

OCRA’s new research partnership, The Edmée Firth Fund for Research in Ovarian Cancer (EFFROC), is funding research to develop clinical testing methods and education to increase physicians’ awareness of the disease and the importance of early detection. It is also funding research into ways to reduce the toxicity and side effects of second-line treatments and to improve targeted therapies.

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