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Celebrity Supporters

OCRA is indebted to the entertainment and fashion industries for their dedication to our cause. They have brought much-needed global attention to our fundraising efforts and have also helped to raise critical awareness of gynecologic cancers amongst the public. We are deeply grateful.

Let’s Talk About Ovarian Cancer

Watch the video “We Need to Talk” to hear celebrities with a connection to ovarian and related gynecologic cancers discuss the need for increased awareness and increased research funding.

Stars Add Sparkle to OCRA Events

Many celebrities participate in our fundraising events and support OCRA through their personal platforms. Highlights have included Stand Up for Madeline and OCRA hosted at the legendary Carolines on Broadway comedy club, as well as our popular Super Saturday events, founded by Harper’s Bazaar editor-in-chief Liz Tilberis, and her good friend, Donna Karan. We are so thankful for their commitment to help eradicate this terrible disease. Together we are making a difference.

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