
OCRA is the voice for the ovarian cancer community.

From the establishment of the first federal ovarian cancer program just 25 years ago, to the promising initiatives being fought for today, OCRA’s advocacy community has much to be proud of as we continue to advocate for better policies and increased funding to defeat ovarian cancer.

  • OCRA’s advocacy efforts have helped secure $3.7 billion in federal research and education funding
  • Our Advocate Leaders program has trained 1,780 advocates since inception
  • To date, OCRA advocates have held over 2,100 meetings with legislative offices to advocate on behalf of the ovarian and gynecologic cancer community
Chad Ramsey standing in front of Capitol
Chad Ramsey, Vice President, Policy

OCRA’s Advocate’s Corner

Want to know what our Advocate Leaders and policy team are working on, and what’s happening with gynecologic cancer programs at the federal level?

Check out OCRA’s Advocate’s Corner, a monthly dispatch from OCRA’s Vice President of Policy, Chad Ramsey that gives a behind-the-scenes report of all the latest news and legislative priorities, and how you can get involved.

Advancing Legislative Priorities for the Ovarian and Related Gynecologic Cancer Community

OCRA is the only national organization dedicated to fighting for ovarian cancer issues on Capitol Hill — whether working to enhance the public investment in research and education, or ensuring that patients are protected with adequate safety regulations and coverage. Learn more about the issues we’re fighting for.

Get Involved

Your voice is critical in the fight against ovarian cancer. There are many ways to lend your support, from becoming an OCRA Advocate Leader, to sending messages to your representatives and asking your own friends and family to add their voices.

Learn how to use your voice to make legislative change.

Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill

This past October, more than 75 Advocates gathered in Washington, DC, to train and strategize for meetings with their Members of Congress at OCRA’s Fall Advocacy Day. Chad Ramsey, OCRA’s Vice President of Policy, talks about the importance of this work in the video below.

Advocacy News & Updates


OCRA’s Advocate’s Corner: April 2024

Learn how OCRA’s Advocate Leader committees are strategizing and mobilizing for impactful change in education and awareness, clinical trials, cost of care and treatment, health disparities, and precision medicine.