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Become an Ovarian Cancer Advocate

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Every Action Counts

Ways to Make a Difference

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Join OCRA’s dedicated team of advocates and be a voice for change.

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We Need Your Voice

Send these letters to your elected officials

  • Improve Patient Access to Clinical Trials

    Clinical trials are essential to advancing new standards of care that can improve survival and quality of life, but there are significant barriers to enrollment that leave some populations underrepresented. Tell Congress to support the Clinical Trial Modernization Act to address inequities and help more patients access clinical trials.

  • Support Multi-Cancer Early Detection Legislation

    New multi-cancer diagnostics are emerging with potential to improve early detection of cancers like ovarian cancer. Contact your representatives now, so when these tools are approved by the FDA, Congress can ensure vulnerable populations have equitable access.

  • Increase Funding for Ovarian & Related Gynecologic Cancer Research

    Share our letter to amplify OCRA’s virtual Spring Advocacy Day impact. Urge your representatives to increase funding for vital research into ovarian and related gynecologic cancers.

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The Overview: August 2024

The Overview: August 2024

Help OCRA Make an Impact for Ovarian Cancer and Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month. As the largest non-profit in the … Continued

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