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Making a Difference

Ovarian Cancer Advocacy Days

Participating in Advocacy Days

Come Together for the Ovarian Cancer Community

Join Us For a Day of Advocacy 

OCRA’s Advocacy Days bring patients, survivors, loved ones, and supporters together from all corners of the country to advocate for better health policies for ovarian cancer and gynecological cancers. Advocacy Days are not just about raising awareness and funds for ovarian cancer research, however. They are about sharing stories with legislators who can help make a difference. Statistics tell only one part of the story. Having patients, survivors, and loved ones meet elected officials face-to-face is one of the best ways to create meaningful change.

Advocacy Days

Stay tuned for more information about 2025 Advocacy Days.

The importance of Advocacy Days

Meet Elected Officials Fact-to-Face

OCRA Advocacy Day is generously sponsored by:

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