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Impact & Priorities

Championing Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancer Issues on Capitol Hill and Beyond

Our Advocacy Priorities

OCRA is the only national organization dedicated to fighting for ovarian and gynecologic cancer issues on Capitol Hill — whether working to enhance the public investment in research and education, or ensuring that patients are protected with adequate drug and diagnostic regulations and coverage. Learn more about the issues we’re fighting for.

  • Access to Care

    OCRA is committed to ensuring that gynecologic cancer patients can access the best care possible regardless of geographic, financial, or other barriers. Priorities include working to ensure that women receive standard of care treatment, as well as increasing the availability of, and patient participation rates in, clinical trials. OCRA also believes health insurance plans should provide adequate coverage for patients and those at high risk of developing the disease, including access to preventative services, diagnostic tests, the best possible drug therapies, clinical trials, palliative care and gynecologic oncologists.

  • Research & Education Funding

    As the world’s largest private funder of ovarian and related gynecologic cancer research grants, OCRA has a deep commitment to life-saving scientific research. At every opportunity, we work to increase the federal government’s investment in research and educational programs.

  • Drug and Diagnostic Safety

    As new cancer therapies and diagnostic tools come to the market, OCRA is working to ensure comprehensive patient safety, including consideration of the patient voice throughout the regulatory process and the testing of diagnostic tools to ensure clinical validity.

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