Melanie Weigert, PhD

Melanie Weigert, PhD

Dr. Melanie Weigert is currently a postdoctoral scholar in the ovarian cancer research laboratory at the University of Chicago. Dr. Weigert received her undergraduate degree in Biotechnology from Furtwangen University. During her undergraduate studies, she worked at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics and helped investigate the effects of paternal diet on offspring chromatin state and intergenerational obesity. She obtained her PhD from the University of Glasgow, under the supervision of Dr. Iain McNeish, investigating the role of programmed necrosis in oncolytic adenovirus-induced cell death in ovarian cancer. This work resulted in several awards, such as the AACR Bristol Meyer Squibb Scholar in Training Award. After completing her doctoral degree, Dr. Weigert continued her research on ovarian cancer by joining the laboratory of Dr. Ernst Lengyel in 2017. Her research at the University of Chicago focuses on identifying hydroxyl-methylation based biomarkers using liquid biopsies.