Wei Wei, PhD

Dr. Wei Wei is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Gillette Center for Women’s Cancer at Massachusetts General Hospital.  After obtaining his B.Sc degree in Biological Sciences at Peking University in 2003, he finished his PhD in medical biochemistry at University of Cape Town in 2009. His PhD research focused on the molecular biology of squamous esophageal cancer which is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death in South Africa. Dr. Wei’s current post-doctoral research in the Laboratory of Dr. Michael J Birrer involves high-throughput genomic profiling to identify genomic abnormalities and aberrant gene expression signatures in ovarian cancer. These genomic signatures are then tested for their potential use as biomarkers for early detection or predictors of specific clinical endpoints such as chemotherapeutic response, tumor recurrence, or overall survivor. By using a combination of in vitro cell line models and in vivo orthotopic mouse models, Wei is also investigating the underlying molecular mechanisms of characterized biomarkers to aid the development of personalized targeted therapeutic regimes against ovarian cancer.