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Become a Corporate Partner

Demonstrate your company’s commitment to life-saving research for women facing ovarian and related gynecologic cancers by creating a Corporate Partnership with OCRA as the beneficiary. Together, we can eradicate these devastating diseases.

Partnership Guidelines

Is your company a good match for OCRA?

Meeting your business objectives is just as important as ensuring that we support programs and campaigns aligned with our mission. Please view and download our Corporate Partnership Guidelines to see if your company is a good fit.

Support Research, Save Lives

To become a corporate partner, please fill out our quick form and a member of OCRA’s team will get in touch.

Submit your proposal

Criteria for Companies Seeking Partnerships

  • Alignment with our mission and vision.
  • A minimum of one year in business.
  • A guaranteed financial commitment based on the company, program, timing, and partnership deliverables needed. Please see Corporate Partnership Proposal Form for more information.


  • Mailing Lists: OCRA cannot agree to sell, loan, or distribute its mailing addresses.
  • Celebrities: We are unable to secure celebrities for promotional purposes.
  • OCRA does not sell partners’ products or services on this website. We may describe and link to partners’ products and services on your website for the public to purchase.
  • Business categories we do not currently accept proposals from companies selling alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, firearms, books, or CDs.

Registered Trademarks

OCRA owns certain trademarks, including the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance name and logo. Corporate partners may use OCRA registered marks only if there is a fully executed Cause Marketing Agreement.

Donation Disclosure

Cause-related marketing programs that benefit OCRA are regulated by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability as well as by applicable state commercial co-venture laws. Their regulations require full disclosure to the consumer regarding the benefit to the charity when donations are raised through a consumer purchase. The disclosure statement should appear on all packaging, social, and digital and promotional materials in clear and unambiguous terms. Transparency is mandatory. If your program is accepted, OCRA will work with your company to suggest appropriate disclosure language.

Learn more about the BBB Standards (including Standard 19, specifically addressing cause-related marketing promotions).

Registration as a Commercial Co-Venturer

There are a variety of ways brands and companies of all sizes can partner with OCRA to end ovarian and related gynecologic cancers and support those who are affected. To register as a commercial co-venturer with OCRA, or if you are interested in cause-related marketing partnerships, event sponsorships, or corporate team fundraising, please contact Nikki Wargo at

Cause-Related Marketing Partnerships

We welcome inquiries from companies and brands about creating a cause-related and/or corporate partner program with OCRA as the beneficiary. We will work together to create a program that aligns with your mission and goals.

Event Sponsorships

OCRA has sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for a variety of events. Sponsorship opportunities are a good way to engage with a targeted audience.

Corporate Team Fundraising

Consider fundraising for OCRA as a corporate team! Groups can participate in an OCRA signature fitness event or host their own company-wide fundraiser.

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