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Updates from 2018 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer

Updates from 2018 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer

(April 4, 2018) It’s an exciting time for ovarian cancer research! Ovarian cancer clinicians, researchers and advocates came together in New Orleans at the end of March for the Annual … Continued

Ovarian Cancer Risk and BRCA1 Methylation

Ovarian Cancer Risk and BRCA1 Methylation

(January 31, 2018) A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine explains that researchers now believe that the methylation of normal BRCA1 gene promotion, not solely BRCA1 mutation, is … Continued

HIPEC Beneficial in Late Stage Ovarian Cancer

HIPEC Beneficial in Late Stage Ovarian Cancer

(January 29, 2018) A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at the difference between two treatment strategies for newly diagnosed stage III epithelial ovarian cancer … Continued

Can Cancer Be Detected and Located by a Blood Test?

Can Cancer Be Detected and Located by a Blood Test?

(January 25, 2018) CancerSEEK is a blood test designed to detect cancer by analyzing levels of proteins and mutations in cell-free DNA. The goal of this particular blood test is … Continued

OCRFA’s Impact in 2017

OCRFA’s Impact in 2017

(December 14, 2017) For over two decades, you have made it possible for OCRFA to fund the most innovative and promising science, resulting in research breakthroughs that have advanced our … Continued

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