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Meet OCRF’s 2014 Grant Recipients

Meet OCRF’s 2014 Grant Recipients

OCRF has awarded $6.5 million in research grants to 22 scientists at leading medical institutions across the country.

High Volume Hospitals and Providers Improve Survival

High Volume Hospitals and Providers Improve Survival

(December 20, 2013)  Researchers have found that for women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer, being treated at a high volume hospital with a high volume provider, leads to improved survival.  The … Continued

Scientists Ask: Does Ovarian Cancer Have a Smell?

Scientists Ask: Does Ovarian Cancer Have a Smell?

George Preti, who works at the Monell Chemical Senses Center as an organic chemist, and an interdisciplinary team that includes physicists and veterinarians at the University of Pennsylvania are using … Continued

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