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Use of a Chemoresponse Assay Improves Clinical Outcomes

Use of a Chemoresponse Assay Improves Clinical Outcomes

Research published in the November 2013 issue of Gynecologic Oncology reports that the use of the chemoresponse assay ChemoFx can lead to improved clinical outcomes for women undergoing treatment for … Continued

New Study find Hot Ovarian Cancer Cells are Easier to Kill

New Study find Hot Ovarian Cancer Cells are Easier to Kill

Oregon State University researchers have found that using nanotechnology with heat and cytotoxic drugs can kill up to 95% of ovarian cancer cells.  While there is still additional research that … Continued

New Clue in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations

New Clue in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations

A new study released in Lancet Oncology showed that abnormal levels of female hormones in the bloodstream may be why women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations are at a higher risk … Continued

DNA "Tags" Could Guide Treatment

DNA "Tags" Could Guide Treatment

A new study conducted by Cancer Research UK has identified chemical “tags” on DNA in patients’ tumors that could help doctors decide the type of chemotherapy women with advanced ovarian … Continued

Ovarian Cancer News from the European Cancer Congress

Ovarian Cancer News from the European Cancer Congress

The European Cancer Congress convened in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from September 27 – October 1, 2013.  The European Cancer Congress in the main multidisciplinary and multi-professional educational meeting in oncology … Continued

Q&A with Ron Chandler, Ph.D.

Q&A with Ron Chandler, Ph.D.

Dr. Ron Chandler is a 2013 Ann Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award recipient. In this interview with OCRF’s Sarah DeFeo, Dr. Chandler discusses his research and what it means to receive a … Continued

Q&A with Maria Barbolina, Ph.D.

Q&A with Maria Barbolina, Ph.D.

Dr. Maria Barbolina is a 2013 Liz Tilberis Early Career Award grant recipient. In this interview with OCRF’s Sarah DeFeo, Dr. Barolina discusses her research and what it means to receive … Continued

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