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Advocate Report: Summer 2012

Advocate Report: Summer 2012

Advocate Report: Summer 2012 Susan Leighton Summer 2012 was filled with an abundance of advocacy opportunities including the American Association of Cancer Researchers (AACR) Survivor-Scientist Program, the Drug Information Association … Continued

Gene Plays Role in Ovarian Cancer Resistance

Gene Plays Role in Ovarian Cancer Resistance

08/23/2012 According to a new study published in Cancer Research, Australian researchers have identified a gene that plays a significant role in the development of high-grade serous ovarian cancer tumors … Continued

Using Nanoparticles to Shrink Tumors in Mice

Using Nanoparticles to Shrink Tumors in Mice

08/23/2012 Reported online last week in Science Translational Medicine, researchers at MIT and Harvard used nanoparticles to demonstrate the nanoparticles that target a protein called ID4 can reduce ovarian cancer … Continued

Dose Dense Therapy Appears Beneficial

Dose Dense Therapy Appears Beneficial

A study of 637 Japanese women with ovarian, fallopian or primary peritoneal cancer showed that dose dense chemotherapy provided a benefit. The standard of care arm provided chemotherapy every three … Continued

Taxane Therapy Does Not Affect Pregnancy

Taxane Therapy Does Not Affect Pregnancy

A small retrospective study of women receiving taxane therapy for breast or ovarian cancer while pregnancy showed no statistically significant outcomes in maternal or fetal health. Read the abstract here

When Less Is More – Editorial

When Less Is More – Editorial

The L.A. Times published an editorial July 29 summing up years of data showing that aggressively screening and treating people for cancer does not always benefit them. The editorial also … Continued

Study Shows Yoga May Help Ovarian Cancer Survivors

Study Shows Yoga May Help Ovarian Cancer Survivors

A study of 219 ovarian cancer survivors showed that those who did “regular exercise and yoga had higher scores in physical functioning, fewer limitations with physical and emotional health, less … Continued

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