Society for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Advocate

Report from Laurel Pracht

As a member of the SNMMI Advocate Advisory Board, formed in 2010 to better bridge the gap between the patient and nuclear medicine communities, I represent the ovarian patient community. Other diseases, including cancer, brain and heart disease are represented as well.  Since formation, the Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB) created a patient friendly website,, for those curious about various procedures performed under the umbrella of nuclear medicine.

PAAB members attend biannual SNNMI conferences with full meeting access.  Advocates questions, from the patient perspective, are considered and answered by radiology professional members of the PAAB.  The June/2013 conference in Vancouver, BC included a Patient Program with an agenda of:

  •     Molecular Imaging 101
  •     What You Should Know About Radiation and Nuclear Medicine
  •     History of Nucler Medicine
  •     Introduction To Nuclear Medicine from a Neuroendocrine tumors patient
  •     Exhibit Hall Tour, patient paired with an Advocate Liaison
  •     Breakout Sessions-Disease Specific

Future Patient Programs will include disease specific topics such as ovarian cancer, the patient/caregiver community is invited to attend our Patient Program.

In turn, advocates bring news from the conferences to our constituency.  Advocacy has played a large part in bringing insurance approval of nuclear procedures with the goal of better patient care.  The PAAB plans a Hill Day in lieu of one conference.

Attendance at SNMMI conferences is funded by the SNMMI to include approved travel and food expenses.