Empower yourself with the latest research updates at OCRA’s National Conference. Register today.

It can be overwhelming trying to keep up with what’s new in the ovarian cancer field, and how new discoveries may affect you. At OCRA’s National Conference, you can get a front row seat at expert plenary and breakout sessions, where leaders in ovarian cancer science and support will discuss issues relevant to the community. The National Conference is the largest, most trusted conference for ovarian cancer survivors, caregivers and supporters. Don’t miss it.

Alan D'Andrea

Topics covered at last year’s conference include:

  • New treatments for ovarian cancer
  • Understanding PARP inhibitors
  • Managing recurrence
  • Navigating health insurance
  • Rare ovarian cancers
  • Special sessions for young survivors and caregivers
  • Questions from attendees at our popular Ask the Experts Q&A session
OCRA National Conference