
Jill lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and was diagnosed with grade 3, stage IVB squamous cell carcinoma.

What has been your frustration in having a rare form of ovarian cancer?

Relaying the severity of my diagnosis to family/friends is incredibly frustrating. I understand the need to focus on the positive, but realistically speaking, there are no positives of having a rarely diagnosed type of cancer.

Where have you found community?

Facebook groups have been awesome!

How do you feel both a part of and apart from the greater ovarian cancer community?

The greater community is always willing to share their stories and tips they’ve learned when going through their own journeys and the inclusiveness is wonderful. I do feel excluded though because throughout my interactions I’ve yet to “meet” anyone with the same diagnosis as me. It’s difficult to convey how lonely and scary this is.

What gives you hope?

Knowing that my treatments may one day benefit others who are diagnosed with my form of cancer. That’s really the only hope I have; that my doctors will learn from my diagnosis.

What do you want to shout from the rooftops?

We need more awareness. We need more options. We simply need more.