The New York Times Publishes Article Highlighting Risk and Prevention

An article published on February 1st in The New York Times highlights a turning point in our fight against ovarian cancer.

As covered in the article, “To Prevent Cancer, More Women Should Consider Removing Fallopian Tubes, Experts Say,” OCRA is launching an important campaign centered around two messages with proven outcomes: knowing one’s risk, and taking preventative action.

The NYT writes, “There is no reliable screening test for ovarian cancer, so doctors urge women at high genetic risk for the disease to have their ovaries and fallopian tubes removed once they are done having children, usually around the age of 40.

woman in purple shirt with a serious expression, looking off int the distance, sitting at a table with hands folded
image: Jenn Ackerman for The New York Times

On Wednesday, a leading research and advocacy organization broadened that recommendation in a way that may surprise many women.

Building on evidence that most of these cancers originate in the fallopian tubes, not the ovaries, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance is urging women who do not have the mutations — that is, most women — to have their fallopian tubes removed if they are finished having children and are planning a gynecologic operation anyway.”

“We want everyone with ovaries to know their risk level,” says Audra Moran, OCRA’s President & CEO, “and know the actions they can take to help prevent ovarian cancer.”

“As oncologists, we have our eyes set on curing cancer,” says Dr. Diane Miller, former leader of gynecologic cancer services in British Columbia. “But if there’s one thing that’s absolutely better than curing cancer, it’s not getting it in the first place.”

Read the full article in The New York Times.

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