graphic with capitol building reading, URGENT! Tell your U.S. Representative to sign on now for a $10 million increase to the Ovarian Cancer Research Program
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On Friday, March 19, U.S. House Representatives Grace Meng (D-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), and Norma Torres (D-CA) released a bipartisan “Dear Colleague” letter urging the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee to fund the Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP) at $45 million for Fiscal Year 2022, an increase of $10 million over last year. 

OCRP is the only federally-funded research program dedicated solely to defeating ovarian cancer. We need YOUR HELP to make sure this letter gets enough support to have an impact.

Last year Congress recognized the urgent need to support ovarian cancer research, and provided $35 million for OCRP in FY 2021. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on cancer research, in addition to the tremendous public health and economic toll it has exacted. Clinical trial enrollments plummeted, and resources were drawn away from important research.

Therefore, advocates are requesting a $10 million increase for OCRP for a total appropriation of $45 million in FY 2022 to preserve current investments in ovarian cancer research and continue the program’s successful work to improve prevention, early diagnosis, and survival rates from the disease.

Please: Tell your U.S. Representative to sign on now for a $10 million increase to the Ovarian Cancer Research Program today >>