Uterine Cancer Awareness Month: Resources & Programs

Uterine (or endometrial) cancer is the most common type of gynecologic cancer, with more than 860,000 women living with the disease in the U.S., according to National Cancer Institute’s SEER Cancer Statistics. As Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance funds research that aims to cure ovarian and related gynecologic cancers, we are here for those impacted by uterine/endometrial cancer.

Support programs for uterine and endometrial cancer patients and loved ones

OCRA’s support programs are open to people impacted by all gynecologic cancers. In addition we offer special programming for the uterine/endometrial cancer community, including a weekly support series and other focused sessions throughout the year. Sign up for emails to learn about new offerings.

Staying Connected: Uterine & Endometrial Cancer

Connect with others during our weekly psycho-educational support session facilitated by our Oncology Social Worker. This session is held on Mondays at 3PM EST. Advance registration is required to participate.

Woman to Woman Peer Mentor Program

Gynecologic cancer patients and loved ones are matched with Mentors who can relate to their experience, based on criteria such as cancer type and stage at diagnosis, as well as factors like age, and where they are in their cancer journey. Our national program allows Mentors and Mentees to participate from anywhere in the country.

OCRA’s International Gynecologic Cancer Conference

On September 25th – 27th, join us to learn the latest information around research, treatment and care for uterine/endometrial cancer patients, straight from the experts. OCRA’s conference is held online and offers opportunities for learning, community engagement, resources, and more. Register now to secure our early bird rate.

OCRA is addressing disparities for uterine and endometrial cancer patients

While mortality and incidence rates for ovarian cancer are steadily improving, the same is not true for uterine/endometrial cancer. Recent statistics show that uterine/endometrial cancer is now the leading cause of gynecologic cancer deaths, with mortality rising by 1.7% every year, and incidence rates continuing to climb. Further, there are deep disparities in both incidence and survival, as Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with uterine/endometrial cancer, and experience worse outcomes.

OCRA’s Health Equity Research Grant, launched this year with a study sponsored by GSK, is supporting work to increase access to high-quality care and improve outcomes for patients in remote areas, and address practical barriers to receiving optimal care, with the goal of ensuring equitable care for all gynecologic cancer patients.

OCRA Advocacy Day at Capitol Hill

Help boost federal funding for uterine and endometrial cancer research

OCRA is pushing for increased uterine/endometrial cancer research funding for Fiscal Year 2025 and time is running out to add your voice. Please share our letter with your Representatives to request $10M for a new Endometrial Cancer Research Program.

OCRA joins global call to action to end disparities in care

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance has joined our International Gynecologic Cancer Advocacy Network partners in signing on to a statement from the International Gynecologic Cancer Society urging stakeholders to take action to end disparities in uterine cancer care by working to remove barriers to timely diagnoses, improve access to treatment, increase diversity in clinical research and more. Read the full statement.

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