Find a Doctor

Find a Doctor

Enter your address or zip code into the search bar below to find a list of gynecologic oncologists and other specialists in your area. Click here to learn more and for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.


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Data provided by Komodo Health

About OCRA’s Doctor Finder

If you or a loved one are seeking care for any type of gynecologic cancer, it is highly recommended that you seek care at a Comprehensive Cancer Center from a Board-Certified Gynecologic Oncologist who specializes in your type of gynecologic cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I see a gynecologic oncologist?

Gynecologic Oncologists have had additional education and training to understand the biology and pathology of the different types of gynecologic cancer.

If you are unable to see a Gynecologic Oncologist, you can still get the care you need. In the list above, you can find Gynecologic Oncologists as well as Medical Oncologists, Obstetricians & Gynecologists, and Surgical Oncologists, all of whom practice and treat a significant number of patients per year in the United States.

Why is care from a Comprehensive Cancer Center recommended?

Comprehensive Cancer Centers are designed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to deliver cutting-edge cancer treatment, and are recognized by NCI for meeting top standards in research, treatment, prevention and education.

Where does this information come from?

This list of providers has been curated by OCRA using data from Komodo Health and is based on specific criteria, such as clinical volume (number of patients seen with gynecologic cancer), specialty, and expertise. If data appears to be missing, it is because it was not provided in the Komodo Health data.

How often is the list updated?

The list is updated on a quarterly basis. If you find that information on the list is out of date, you can let us know at

What if my doctor isn’t listed here?

If your provider is not listed, it does not mean they are not qualified to care for you or your loved one. If a provider is not listed, it could mean they have not consented to being listed in Komodo’s database, they have recently moved, or they do not meet the criteria.

What types of insurance do these doctors accept?

You will need to contact the individual provider to find out what type of insurance they accept.

Are all of the doctors accepting new patients?

Not necessarily. You will need to contact the individual provider to find out if they are accepting new patients.