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Financial Assistance Resources

Scholarship funds, help with lodging and travel, and more.

Organization Tools, Resources Guides and Checklists

Triage Cancer Cancer Finances

Cancer Finances is an online toolkit to help people manage finances after a cancer diagnosis.

Triage Cancer Guides and Checklist

Triage Cancer provides quick guides and checklists that offer practical information about finances and financial toxicity, navigating health insurance, and employment and work. Also offer resources in Spanish.

Basic Benefit Information

Compassionate Allowances for Ovarian Cancer: Disability Benefits Center

Describes the Social Security Administration (SSA) Compassionate Allowances program to help reduce some of the financial burdens that may accompany the diagnosis of ovarian cancer (stage 4 only). is the website where you can research different insurance plans in your state to find the best fit for you and sign up during open enrollment or a Special Enrollment Period.


Provides overview of Medicaid program and eligibility requirements.


Provides overview of Medicare, eligibility requirement, and application.

Social Security Administration: Overview of Disability Programs

Offers description of each program including SSI, SSDI, and returning to work.

Social Security Disability Income

Women with all stages of ovarian cancer may qualify for social security disability income. Visit this website to learn more and apply.

SSI and SSD: Disability Benefits Center

A questionnaire that evaluates eligibility criteria for supplemental security income and social security disability.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Provides information and technical assistance for individuals with questions relating the Americans with Disabilities Act. The U.S. Department of Justice provides information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through a toll-free ADA Information Line 800-514-0301.

Appeal Insurance Decisions: US Department of Health and Human Services

Explains internal and external appeal rights for any decision or cancellation of benefits by your insurance carrier.

Cancer Legal Resource Center: Disability Rights Legal Center

A cancer diagnosis may carry with it a variety of legal issues, including insurance appeals, employment rights and leave time, access to health care and government benefits, and estate planning. The CLRC offers information on these issues, has links to critical topics, presentations and webinars, as well as a toll-free telephone assistance line: 866-THE-CLRC.

Disability Rights Legal Center

Offers disability rights advocacy through legal assistance.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

This is a federal agency that enforces laws that prevent workplace discrimination based on, among other things, disability including cancer related illnesses. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act information.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Department of Labor

Provides information on the Family and Medical Leave Act, a law that provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month period to eligible, covered employees.

National Women’s Law Center

The National Women’s Law Center is dedicated to helping achieve policies that affect women throughout their lives and advocating for women who are being discriminated against.

Triage Cancer’s Legal Navigation Program

A Legal & Financial Navigation Program that provides individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and health care professionals with free one-on-one help in the areas of health insurance, disability insurance, employment, finances, medical decision-making, estate planning, and more.

Community Organizations that Provide Financial Assistance

2-1-1 Services

Provides assistance to find local resources including crisis, food, health and housing.

Allyson Whitney Foundation

Provides “Life Interrupted grants” between $500-1500 for women undergoing treatment for rare cancer between the ages of 16-36.

Bright Spot Network

Bright Spot grants are available for those diagnosed with cancer and are caring for a child between ages of 0-6.


CancerCare provides a limited amount of financial support for transportation, home care and child care to women cancer patients who meet eligibility criteria.

Cleaning for a Reason

Provides “gift of a clean home so you may focus on healing.”

Dollar For

Offers education and navigation help for patients seeking financial assistance with medical bills through hospital charity care programs.

Entertainment Community Fund

A safety net for those in the entertainment and performing arts industry providing programs and services for those disabled by illness, case management, referrals, support groups and funeral/burial assistance. The Entertainment Community Fund is administered in offices in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles.


Financial assistance and resource navigation for cancer patients and caregivers who need support with non-medical expenses.

Good Days

Good Days provides financial assistance and advocacy for people pursuing life-saving and life-extending treatment.

Healthwell Foundation

Provides financial assistance towards medical treatments and other costs.

Homeownership Preservation Foundation

A foundation that aims to help people avoid mortgage foreclosure.

Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Health Care

Under the Hill-Burton law, about 170 health care facilities nationwide are obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care to those who cannot otherwise afford medical care.

Keep Swimming Foundation

This foundation offers financial assistance for those undergoing inpatient treatment for 21 or more consecutive days at an accredited U.S. hospital.

Nutrition Assistance Programs

Describes SNAP, WIC, and other programs that supply access to food/ nutrition.

OvarCare Program (through Ovarcome)

OvarCare is a financial, psychosocial, and informational support program offered by Ovarcome for ovarian cancer patients in active treatment. Eligible patients who meet Ovarcome’s financial eligibility guidelines can apply for an OvarCare grant, which is comprised of a $200 financial grant, $100 gas gift card, $100 grocery gift card, 6 telephonic psychosocial counseling sessions with a licensed mental health clinician (optional), and a telephonic genetic counseling session with a licensed genetic counselor (optional).

Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation

The PAN Foundation provides up to $3700 a year in co-payment assistance annually to ovarian cancer patients who are enrolled in Medicare and have incomes up to 500% of the federal poverty level. Patients must reside and receive treatment in the United States.

Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF)

Case workers from the Patient Advocate Foundation work one-on-one with patients, caregivers or providers resolve healthcare issues. The Foundation also offers co-payment assistance to women with ovarian cancer.

Patient Resource

Extensive list of organizations that provide financial help to patients with cancer. Please note this is not specific to ovarian cancer but may have helpful resources to your need.

The Samfund

The Samfund provides financial assistance and online support to young cancer survivors.

Vital Options Grant Program

Monetary grants to those experiencing financial hardship as the result of a cancer diagnosis.


Fisher House

Operates a network of comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. Homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, close to the medical center or hospital they serve, and have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Hero Miles program, using donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of ill service members as well as the Hotels for Heroes program using donated hotel points to allow family members to stay at hotels.

Healthcare Hospitality Network

Links to affiliate lodging programs across the US.

Hope Lodge: American Cancer Society

30 Hope Lodge locations nationwide offering lodging for cancer patients as well as Extended Stay America (Hotel Keys of Hope) discount lodging.

Hosts for Humanity

Hosts for Humanity connects friends and family of people traveling for treatment with hosts offering accommodation in their homes.

Hotel Keys of Hope: Extended Stays America

A partnership program between American Cancer Society and Extended Stays America to provide discounted hotel stay for patients needing access to treatment.

Joe’s House

Links to lodging across the US for patients to stay during treatment.

Ronald McDonald House

Housing for pediatric patients (under the age of 18 in most locations) and their families during treatment.


Air Care Alliance

Offers a list of all nonprofit volunteer flying groups, whether they are members of the Air Care Alliance or not, in the interests of providing all possible help to patients, communities and others with needs.

Air Charity Network

Free air flights to specialized medical care.

Angel Flight Program

Each Angel Flight program (over 60 nationwide) is independently operated and regionally based. Angel Flight facilitates free air transportation to those in need of medical treatment far from home. Volunteer pilots use their own aircraft and pay for all expenses of each mission they fly. Some specific program links are above.


AngelFlight Soars

Flights to treatment in southeast US.

Corporate Angel Network

Helps arranging free air transportation for cancer patients traveling to treatment using empty seats on corporate jets.

DAV Veterans Benefit

Helps more than one million veterans every year connect with the health care, disability, employment, education, and financial benefits. Offers transportation assistance program.

Mercy Medical Angels

Provides gas cards, train or bus transportation assistance to those traveling in excess of 50 miles to treatment but generally not exceeding 300 miles. Funds are limited.

Southwest Airlines Medical Transportation Grant Program

Southwest provides roundtrip air travel to select hospitals and organizations for cancer treatment.

Information and Support for Drug Co-Pay

Cost Plus Drugs

Multiple different medications offered at the lowest cost possible.


Needy Meds provides information about programs that help people facing problems paying for medications and health care, and assist patients in applying to such programs.


NiceRx helps individuals access over 1,500 FDA-approved brand name medications.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need for free or nearly free.


RxHope lists information about patients assistance programs that offer free or reduced-cost medication in the United States.

Pharmaceutical Patient Access Programs

Workplace Support

Cancer and Careers

Cancer and Careers provides information on legal and financial issues that affect cancer patients. Information on understanding your rights, FMLA, career advice and support.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Department of Labor

Provides information on the Family and Medical Leave Act, a law that provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month period to eligible, covered employees.

We Are Capable

An advocacy organization working to remove the fear and stigma of living with chronic illness or disability from the hiring process.

Scholarships and School Resources


Offers lists of scholarships for patients, survivors, children of a cancer patient or survivor, people who lost a parent to cancer, and students pursuing careers in cancer treatment.

The Samfund

The Samfund provides financial assistance, graduate school scholarships, and online support to young cancer survivors (between ages 21-39).

The National Collegiate Cancer Foundation

The NCCF provides need-based financial support to young adults, ages 18-35, who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as for bereaved children (parent died from cancer).

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