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Meet Our Team

OCRA is fortunate to have a devoted team of staff members who between them have decades of experience working to fight ovarian and related gynecologic cancers. Passionate, knowledgeable, and innovative, they are dedicated to improving the lives of those touched by the disease through advancing research, creating imaginative, empathic support programs, encouraging industry collaboration, and fighting legislative battles on Capitol Hill.

Learn About Our Team Members

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead

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Mission & Impact

Mission & Impact

OCRA is dedicated to improving treatments by advancing innovative research, supporting with expertise and empathy those affected by gynecologic cancers to ensure the best possible care and outcomes, raising awareness, and advocating for legislation that tangibly improves patients’ lives.

Learn more about our mission & impact

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