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Ellen L. Goode, PhD

Mayo Clinic

Professor of Epidemiology
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN

Dr. Ellen L. Goode is a Professor of Epidemiology within the Department of Health Sciences Research at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA. Her research program focuses on the genetic and molecular epidemiology of ovarian cancer.

To better understand disease origins, Dr. Goode studies women with and without ovarian cancer who are seen at Mayo Clinic. Study participants respond to a research questionnaire and provide a blood sample, which allows for analysis of inherited and lifestyle factors. Tumors from affected women are also studied in order to further classification of clinically relevant histological, molecular, and immunological subtypes.

Focus areas

  • To find novel inherited factors in ovarian cancer, Dr. Goode examines variants throughout the genome via large collaborations. The international Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium combines data from more than 60 epidemiologic studies.
  • To better understand the functional impact of inherited and somatic variation, Dr. Goode examines expression and methylation in relation to genetics in the tumors of Mayo Clinic study participants and with the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium.
  • To tease out the role of immune factors in ovarian cancer risk and outcome, Dr. Goode focuses on the nuclear factor kappa-B family of transcription factors, regulatory T cells, and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in large multidisciplinary efforts.

Dr. Goode has contributed to over 275 peer-reviewed manuscripts and served in leadership roles within several ovarian cancer research consortia, the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, and the American Association for Cancer Research.

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