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Understanding and Living Well During Treatment

Find the tools, programs, and information you need to navigate treatment.

Personal Support and Practical Guidance

Find the information and support you need.

Managing Side Effects

Experiencing chemotherapy side effects for gynecologic cancer treatment is common. Discover practical tips for managing them.

Find relief strategies

Practical Guidance

Resources for emotional well-being, relationships, and navigating daily life with cancer.

Emotional Impact

A cancer diagnosis can bring up complicated feelings and lots of questions.

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Dating, Sexual Health, and Intimacy

Navigating dating, sex, and relationships can be challenging, especially with a cancer diagnosis.

Understand sexual health

Young Adults

As a young adult with gynecologic cancer, you face unique challenges.

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Gynecologic Cancer Care for LGBTQIA+ People

Know that you are not alone and that OCRA is committed to meeting your and your loved ones’ unique needs.

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Insurance, Work & School

A gynecologic cancer diagnosis can disrupt many areas of life such as work, school, and finances.

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Staying Connected Support Series

Join us for weekly or monthly psychoeducational workshops and find a community that offers wisdom, support, and connection.

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Need to Talk?

Connect with a member of our Patient Support Team.

Reach out

I am a retired nurse who loves to travel. In July, I went to Iceland — my first international trip since my ovarian cancer diagnosis. Life is good!
– Kathy

Related Topics

Caring for Someone

Caring for Someone

Caring for a loved one with gynecologic cancer can be very challenging. Find essential information and resources to help you navigate this journey.

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Gynecologic Cancers

Gynecologic Cancers

Recognizing the interconnectedness of ovarian and all gynecologic cancers, OCRA expanded its scope in order to accelerate research and broaden our impact on patients’ lives.

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