Put the FUN in fundraiser by creating an event or activity that your family, friends, and coworkers will be excited to support! If you have an idea in mind or already in the works, please complete the form below and share the details with us.  A member of our events team will reach out with resources and additional information.  

If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration, view our DIY Fundraising Toolkit or click the icons below to learn more about recent events our OCRA Heroes have hosted in their communities. 

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to go, there’s no need to wait — you can create your fundraising page right now. If you submit the above form, we’ll still reach out. Happy fundraising!

OCRA Heroes Highlights


Art Becomes Action | OCRA Heroes

Amber Young, right, with mother, Pegi Young For Amber Jean Young, the loss of her mother to ovarian cancer on January 1, 2019…

Our Community

Jonathan Sockolosky
After my mom died, I couldn’t shake this urge to do something big. I wanted to give back and keep her memory alive.
Jonathan Sockolosky