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Start Your DIY Fundraising to Fight Ovarian Cancer

Fundraiser Guidelines

Passionate about fighting ovarian and related gynecologic cancers but not sure how to give back?  Explore the categories below for ideas and inspiration. Whatever activity or method you choose, we’re here to support you.

Ovarian Fitness

Whether you’re a leisurely walker, a competitive runner, enjoy a good spin class, or are a Pilates fanatic, your workout can make a difference in the fight against ovarian and related gynecologic cancers. Our team can work with you to bring an event to your community. You can also sign up to be notified when an event comes to your area!

Learn more about Ovarian Fitness


From galas to golf tournaments, lemonade stands to luaus, we have all the tools needed to transform your fundraising daydream from a great idea into an amazing event that friends, family, and coworkers will be excited to support.
 If you’re looking for inspiration, view our DIY Fundraising Toolkit. If you have an idea in mind or already in the works, please complete the form below and share the details with us. A member of our events team will reach out with resources and additional information.

Ready to Get Started?
If you’re ready to go, you can create your fundraising page right now! If you submit the above form, we’ll reach out to offer support. Happy fundraising!

Create a fundraising page

OCRA Small Biz

Starting or owning a small business takes a lot of time, hard work, and dedication, which makes your willingness to give back even more meaningful. If you’d like to support OCRA by hosting an in-store event, donating a percentage of proceeds, or another unique idea, please complete the form below to share the details with us. A member of our team will reach out with resources and additional information.

OCRA Social

Social media makes it easy to rally people around a cause. OCRA Heroes around the world are making a difference by fundraising through their social media channels. Whether you’re a livestreamer, content creator, or simply spend time on Facebook, LinkedIn, or another channel, your help can make a difference!

Create a Livestream Fundraiser
Livestreamers and content creators, did you know you can tap into Tiltify to fundraise on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and other streaming platforms? Help us raise critical funds now.

Learn more about Livestream Fundraisers

Create a Facebook Fundraiser

You can raise funds on Facebook with just a couple of clicks.
Get started now

Join our Facebook Challenge

Walk or run 60 miles to raise funds for OCRA’s cutting-edge research and support programs this spring.
Join us

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