Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well. Whether you’re celebrating with loved ones today or holding them in your thoughts, my wish for you is that you’re feeling comfort and joy.

On this day of gratitude, I don’t have to look far to find reasons to be thankful.

Every day, I’m struck by the remarkable kindness and commitment shown by the people in our community. Across the country and around the world, we are bound by a singular goal — to see a day when ovarian cancer is curable.

Isabella with teal ribbon face makeup, smiling

And because of you, we are getting closer. We are making progress with — and for — people like Isabella.

Diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 18, and in remission since 2019, she’s made it her mission to empower others, and raise funds that can ensure better outcomes for everyone diagnosed. 

Isabella is reaching people all over the world, using her live-streaming platform to make a difference — so that someday, scientists will find a new treatment or cure that will make the fight against ovarian cancer easier.

Isabella is exceptional — and this community is made up of countless supporters just like her. 

I’m grateful for every single one – including those helping others after their own experience with this disease, the researchers working tirelessly for breakthroughs that can save more lives and for everyone who shares our hope for a brighter future. 

You are the reason we strive for a cure. And I’m so thankful to have you at our side.

On behalf of the entire OCRA team, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a lovely holiday season.


Audra Moran, President & CEO

P.S. Next week is Giving Tuesday! We hope you’ll join us for a special #GiveHopeTuesday campaign. Just post a few words on social media, and a generous supporter will donate $50, up to $25,000. And if you’d like, you can even make your year-end gift today, supporting research to bring us closer to a cure.