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Writing for Her Life | OCRA Heroes

Writing for Her Life | OCRA Heroes

Jane Rubin speaks quickly, with sentences not so much ending but flowing seamlessly into new thoughts and directions. Listening to her talk about her life and her work is like … Continued

Ovarian Cancer Resources & Support

Ovarian Cancer Resources & Support

OCRA is committed to offering patients, caregivers and friends the most up to date information about ovarian cancer, helpful resources, and options for support. Below are some helpful links, and … Continued

Staying Connected Throughout COVID-19

Staying Connected Throughout COVID-19

As we remain steadfast in our long-range mission of being the voice for the ovarian cancer community and funding life-saving research, we also want to acknowledge the moment we are … Continued

Blazing New Trails | Meet a Scientist

Blazing New Trails | Meet a Scientist

She has swum in the Amazon, gone ice fishing in the Arctic, traveled the Galapagos, and hang-glided in New Zealand. But the biggest trail Dr. Beth Karlan has blazed throughout … Continued

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