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Strength in Numbers: OCRF and OCNA Unite to Form OCRFA

Strength in Numbers: OCRF and OCNA Unite to Form OCRFA

As of January 2016, we are pleased to announce we are joining together to form Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRFA), the largest global organization dedicated to advancing ovarian cancer research while supporting women and their families.

Meet the New OCRFA!

Meet the New OCRFA!

The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and Ovarian Cancer Research Fund have led the way in advocacy, research and support for patients and their families for over 22 years. We are pleased … Continued

Under the Microscope: OCRF’s 2015 Research Progress R...

Under the Microscope: OCRF’s 2015 Research Progress Report

(12/14/15) | In 2015, OCRF grantees made several significant advances in the fight against ovarian cancer, including: These discoveries are the direct result of generous donations from people like you. … Continued

Meet OCRF’s 2016 Grantees

Meet OCRF’s 2016 Grantees

OCRF has awarded $5.2 million in new grants, bringing our total investment in ovarian cancer research to nearly $70 million.

#30DaysofTeal: Day 12

#30DaysofTeal: Day 12

Show the world that #tealislove. One mother is showing her love for her daughter Sarah who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 5 years ago at the age of 28. Sarah … Continued

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