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Ovarian Cancer Research Grant Programs

Grant Programs

OCRA’s Schreiber Research Grants Program supports gifted scientists at every stage of their careers, including postdoctoral fellows, early-career independent investigators, and teams of experienced investigators.

Championing the Most Promising Research

OCRA has awarded over 400 grants to top scientists at 100 leading medical centers around the world, enabling a series of discoveries that have accelerated our journey toward a cure. All of our grants involve a rigorous review process to ensure that only the most outstanding research projects are funded.

  • Collaborative Research Development Grant

    Launched in 2004, this grant provides funds for research projects focusing on ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancer research, that involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions. Support of $300,000 annually for three years, for a total of $900,000, will be awarded to the institution(s) where the recipients will conduct the research.

  • Collaborative Research Development Grant – Microsoft AI for Health

    Launched in 2022, this grant is the result of a unique partnership between OCRA and Microsoft AI for Health, a philanthropic program at Microsoft. This collaboration will help OCRA accelerate ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancer research by harnessing the power of data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), potentially leading to new insights into the disease. The grant will provide funds for ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancers research projects that may involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions. Support of $300,000 annually for three years, for a total of $900,000, will be awarded to the institution(s) where the recipients will conduct the research in addition to in-kind support from Microsoft.

  • Early Career Investigator Grant

    The Early Career Investigator Grant (formerly the Liz Tilberis Early Career Award) is for junior faculty (Assistant Professor level) with a strong commitment to an investigative career in ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancer research. Support of $150,000 annually for three years, for a total of $450,000, will be awarded to the institutions where the recipients will conduct the research.

  • Mentored Investigator Grant

    The Mentored Investigator Grant (formerly the Ann and Sol Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award) provides funding for trainees (post-doctoral fellows or clinical fellows) working under the supervision of a mentor who is a recognized leader in ovarian cancer research, or related area. Applicants must have an MD or a PhD degree. The grant provides a total of $100,000 to be used over one or two years and will encourage the recipient’s research career in the field of ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancers.

  • Health Equity Research Grant

    OCRA’s first-ever Health Equity Research Grant (HEG) was launched in 2024. The first grant was sponsored by GSK. This grant is intended to overcome barriers to care faced by marginalized communities and is geared to all investigators with projects focusing on ovarian cancer and/or related gynecologic cancers research that have a health equity focus. Support of $100,000 annually for two years, for a total of $200,000, will be awarded to the institution where the recipient will conduct the research.

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