Social Media Shareables

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Please tag OCRA in captions if you are able. Our social media handles are as follows:

Twitter: @ocrahope

Instagram: @ocrahope 

Facebook: @Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance OCRA

LinkedIn: @Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance


  • There IS hope on the horizon; more than ever before. Visit to learn about a new initiative from @ocrahope that’s focused on knowing one’s #ovariancancer risk and taking preventative action, including free #genetictesting for those who qualify.
  • Visit to learn about a new initiative from @ocrahope that offers free #genetictesting for those who qualify — and information about #ovariancancer risk and prevention. Together, we can effect real change by acting on what we know CAN save lives.


  • There IS hope on the horizon; more than ever before. Visit to learn about a new initiative from @ocrahope, endorsed by @sgo_org, that’s focused on two messages with proven outcomes: knowing one’s risk and taking preventative action. Learn about what you and your loved ones can do to reduce risk — and find out if you qualify for free genetic testing.

Facebook and LinkedIn

  • Visit to learn about a new initiative from Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance that offers free genetic testing for those who qualify — and information about ovarian cancer risk and prevention. Together, we can effect real change by acting on what has been proven to save lives.