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The Overview: July 2023

The Overview: July 2023

OCRA-Funded Study Targets Immunotherapy OCRA grantees and their Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center colleagues published results from an exciting study detailing a new approach to adoptive T-cell therapy that may help improve immunotherapy … Continued

The Overview: June 2023

The Overview: June 2023

Update to Clinical Guidelines: Special Circumstance Chemotherapy Approvals Last month, we reported news of an ongoing shortage of chemotherapy drugs essential to ovarian cancer treatment. Though the shortage continues, patients … Continued

The Overview: May 2023

The Overview: May 2023

What to Know About the Chemotherapy Drug Shortage As many are aware, the U.S. is currently experiencing a matter of great concern: an ongoing shortage of chemotherapy drugs that are essential … Continued

The Overview: April 2023

The Overview: April 2023

Auction Opens Soon Have you always wanted to own a piece of pop culture history? Cancer Gets Lost, an online charity auction, is opening its offerings this week, and all proceeds … Continued

The Overview: March 2023

The Overview: March 2023

Spring is officially here, and there’s so much to share — from a roundup on the impact of our risk and prevention campaign, to new ways to get involved and … Continued

The Overview: February 2023

The Overview: February 2023

We hope you’re feeling the love from the teal community this week, and always. We’re just seven weeks into 2023 and there’s so much to share — new grantees, a new website, and … Continued

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