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Melica Brodeur, MD, MSc | Meet a Scientist

Melica Brodeur, MD, MSc | Meet a Scientist

Dr. Melica Brodeur, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is a 2022 recipient of OCRA’s Mentored Investigator Grant. With her project, “Exploiting SMARCA4 Alterations for New Therapeutics in Ovarian Cancer,” … Continued

Amrita Salvi, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Amrita Salvi, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Dr. Amrita Salvi, of University of Illinois at Chicago, is a 2022 recipient of OCRA’s Mentored Investigator Grant. With her project, “Investigating the Mechanism of Action of PHY34 in HGSOC,” … Continued

Zelei Yang, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Zelei Yang, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Dr. Zelei Yang, of Dana Farber Cancer Institute, is a 2022 recipient of OCRA’s Mentored Investigator Grant. With her project, “Re-engaging the Anti-tumor Immune Response Against Ovarian Cancer,” Dr. Yang … Continued

Gamze Bildik Elcik, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Gamze Bildik Elcik, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Dr. Gamze Bildik Elcik, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Experimental Therapeutics at MD Anderson Cancer Center, is a 2022 recipient of OCRA’s Mentored Investigator Grant. With her project, “DIRAS3 … Continued

Erin Wesley, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Erin Wesley, PhD | Meet a Scientist

Dr. Erin Wesley, of University of Minnesota Twin Cities, is a 2022 recipient of OCRA’s Mentored Investigator Grant. With her project, “Impact of Cytomegalovirus and Inflammation on NK Cells in … Continued

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