Conference Videos: 2023

Do you have questions about ovarian and gynecologic cancers? Are you seeking resources and support for yourself or a loved one facing gynecologic cancer? These videos can help.

OCRA’s Conference videos cover popular topics, from the latest in research and treatment to strategies for dealing with “chemo brain,” managing the fear of recurrence, navigating insurance, and more. Our videos are presented by leaders in gynecologic oncology and care, and they’re meant for you — to be a valuable resource and a source of inspiration and empowerment throughout your journey.

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Ask the Experts – Part 1

Our panel of experts return to answer questions submitted by attendees about gynecologic cancer research, treatment, and survivorship.

Ask the Experts – Part 2

Your most pressing questions on ovarian and gynecologic cancer research, treatment, and survivorship are answered by Beth Karlan, MD, Premal Thaker, MD, MSc, Kunle Odunsi, MD, PhD, FRCOG, FACOG, and Andy Berchuck, MD.

Clinical Trials 101

Clinical trials advance science and enable patients to access the most cutting-edge care. Dr. Shannon Westin explains how clinical trials work, when to consider them, and the pros and cons of participation.

A Conversation with Suleika Jaouad

Suleika Jaouad, acclaimed author and a cancer survivor, shares her insights on living well and finding meaning in the face of a cancer diagnosis.

Experimental Therapies for Ovarian Cancer

Dr. Kathleen Moore explains terms and concepts used in the ovarian cancer research and treatment landscape, including immunotherapy, cell therapy, vaccines, gene therapy, and targeted therapy.

Managing Fear After Diagnosis

Dr. Elyse Adams addresses the complexity of emotions that can accompany a cancer diagnosis, and offers concrete ways to improve quality of life and cope with the ever-present fear many experience.

Managing Ovarian Cancer Recurrence

Fear of cancer recurrence can be prevalent and overwhelming. Join Sarah Adams, MD for a presentation on the management of recurrent ovarian cancer.

Navigating Insurance Coverage and Appeals

Understanding the complexities of insurance is daunting for all. Joanna Fawzy Doran, Esq., offers education on all things related to insurance coverage and strategies for getting through it successfully.

PARP Inhibitors: What’s Happening

PARP inhibitors play an increasingly important role in treatment for many ovarian cancer patients, but have come under scrutiny from the FDA. Join Dr. Gini Fleming to learn what’s happening.

Spirituality Before and After Cancer

Chaplains Dana Rainey and Karen Terry discuss the varying experiences of faith and the ways it can strengthen, offer guidance, or waver after a cancer diagnosis.

Talking with Your Children About Cancer

It can be challenging to find the words to talk about a cancer diagnosis to your children, whether they are school aged or adults. Nancy Cincotta, LCSW, and Tracy Moore, LCSW, offer support.

Thriving with Cancer

Physical and emotional suffering does not need to go hand in hand with gynecologic cancer. Dr. Lori Spoozak talks about care and quality of life throughout cancer treatment.

Understanding Risk and Prevention Strategies

Please join Audra Moran, President & CEO of OCRA and Gillian Hanley, MD, for an important discussion on understanding risk of developing ovarian cancer, prevention strategies, and the importance of genetic testing.

An Update on the Chemotherapy Shortage

Drug shortages are not new, but recently we have seen dramatic shortages of the drugs utilized in ovarian cancer treatment. Dr. Nickles Fader shares what is happening and what steps are being taken to improve access.

What’s New in Endometrial Cancer

Join endometrial cancer expert Dr. Emily Ko for a special session dedicated to what’s going on in research and treatment of endometrial and uterine cancers.

Thank you to our 2024 Conference Sponsors:

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