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OCRA Awards $7 Million in Research Grants for 2023

…Cancer Center, “Synthetic Lethality of the Protexin and BRCA Complexes in Ovarian Cancer” Brooke Howitt, MD, Stanford University, “Identifying the Cell of Origin for High Grade Serous Carcinoma” Xiaowen Hu,…

Q&A with Melinda Yates, Ph.D.

…research findings into advances that can improve health outcomes in women at high-risk for ovarian cancer due to inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.  Dr. Yates has received…

June 2016 ASCO Highlights

…intravenous chemotherapy and stating that BRCA1/2 patients could benefit from the use of IP.  All agreed that there are unresolved issues regarding the use of IP chemotherapy and much work…

What’s New in Ovarian Cancer Research and Treatment

…for ovarian cancer continues to show promise. The SOLO-1 trial, for instance, illustrates that the PARP inhibitor olaparib can significantly improve progression-free survival for patients with an inherited BRCA mutation….

Treatment Options

…repair machinery. In around half of all ovarian cancers — including those with mutations in the BRCA genes — cancer cells are defective in one type of repair mechanism. But…

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