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Supreme Court to Hear Gene Patent Case

Supreme Court to Hear Gene Patent Case

The Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments in a case seeking to invalidate the patents on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. The patent-holder, Myriad Laboratories, owns patents … Continued

HHS Releases Health Reform Rules

HHS Releases Health Reform Rules

On Tuesday, the Department of Health and Human Services released three regulations related to implementation of health reform. One of these rules concerned guaranteed issue and a ban on pre-existing … Continued

NIH to Enforce Public Access Policy

NIH to Enforce Public Access Policy

As a condition of receiving public monies for research, the researchers must make available the results of their work. The National Institutes of Health will begin to delay grants to … Continued

Advocate Report: Summer 2012

Advocate Report: Summer 2012

Advocate Report: Summer 2012 Susan Leighton Summer 2012 was filled with an abundance of advocacy opportunities including the American Association of Cancer Researchers (AACR) Survivor-Scientist Program, the Drug Information Association … Continued

When Less Is More – Editorial

When Less Is More – Editorial

The L.A. Times published an editorial July 29 summing up years of data showing that aggressively screening and treating people for cancer does not always benefit them. The editorial also … Continued

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