Search Results for brca

Highlights from the June 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting

(June 20, 2016) Highlights from the June 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting by Susan Leighton, Ovarian Cancer Survivor and Research Advocate Since the first time I attended ASCO I have seen the number of abstracts presented about ovarian cancer increase significantly as understanding of the disease has expanded. No longer do we hear the one size fits all approach to ovarian cancer…

OCRF Research Finds Inherited Mutations in 18% with Ovarian Cancer

Barbara Norquist, MD Elizabeth Swisher, MD (Jan. 8, 2016) OCRF grantees Dr. Barbara Norquist and Dr. Elizabeth Swisher were part of a team that recently released a study which investigated the occurrence, and role of, inherited cancer associated genes in a randomly selected population of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The OCRF-supported study, published late last month in JAMA Oncology…

A New Report from USPSTF

Last week the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released its fifth report to Congress highlighting women’s health as a high priority gap in clinical preventative services. Recognizing the reproductive and biologic differences in women, as well as such external factors as home and work environments and economic and educational resources, the USPSTF has called for more research in five specific areas relating to women’s health in order to improve healthcare for women in the US…

Meet OCRF’s 2016 Grantees

OCRF has awarded $5.2 million in new grants, bringing our total investment in ovarian cancer research to nearly $70 million…

Research Round Up: AACR

Earlier this month, we attended the AACR conference Advances in Ovarian Cancer Research: Exploiting Vulnerabilities, which highlighted many recent pre-clinical advancements in the treatment of ovarian cancer.  Much of the work presented was hot off the presses and unpublished – so we were asked not to share too many details from the work publicly. To respect the meeting organizers’ wishes…

New Ovarian Cancer PSA Features President Barack Obama’s Sister and Late Mother

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lisa Mauti 443.846.2626 New Ovarian Cancer PSA Features President Barack Obama’s Sister and Late Mother Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng and the President Lost Their Mother to Ovarian Cancer WASHINGTON, DC - September 16, 2015 ─ Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng, sister to President Barack Obama, shares the story of their mom Ann’s fight with ovarian cancer in new public service announcements for the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance…

Identification of New Genetic Dependencies in HR-deficient Ovarian Cancers

Our DNA is constantly exposed to damage due to environmental insults and normal cellular processes. In order to prevent the loss of important genetic information, cells have acquired mechanisms, which are dedicated to orchestrating the recognition and repair of damaged DNA. Homologous recombination (HR) represents one such mechanism that is responsible for facilitating the error-free repair of DNA double strand breaks…

Teaming Up Against Ovarian Cancer

(9/11/15) By Alan D. D’Andrea, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, and Elizabeth M. Swisher, MD, University of Washington September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, when we scientists and advocates renew our determination to find new solutions to this devastating disease. This year we are pleased to have seen some encouraging signs…

Teaming Up Against Ovarian Cancer

Check out this guest post by Alan D. D’Andrea, MD, and Elizabeth M. Swisher, MD from the  SU2C-OCRF-OCNA-NOCC Dream Team that originally appeared on Cancer Research Catalyst, the official blog of the American Association for Cancer Research, the Scientific Partner of Stand Up 2 Cancer. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, when we scientists and advocates renew our determination to find new solutions to this devastating disease. This year we are pleased to have seen some encouraging signs. At the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in April, scientists reported that a combination of two drugs, olaparib and BKM120, showed clinical benefit for women with high-grade serous ovarian cancer (as well as women with triple-negative breast cancer). Click plus sign to read on…

A Combination Therapy for Hereditary Ovarian Cancer

Women with ovarian cancers that result from an inherited mutation in the BRCA gene show excellent response to a drug called a PARP inhibitor. The drug specifically kills cancer cells but spares normal cells because it targets a vulnerability caused by the gene mutation. Women with hereditary ovarian cancer also have immune cells that are more able to attack the tumor…